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Katalon Studio 7 | A Glance Over the Top 9 Features

katalon studio 7 now available

Katalon Studio has recently released its latest version — 7.0.0 with an array of new features and capabilities that are worth shouting about. The essential features and updates in Katalon Studio including Desktop App Testing, Private Plugin, Smart Wait, Katashare, and much more. 

Let’s take a glance at the 9 significant features of Katalon Studio version 7.0.0 in the article below.

Desktop App Testing

In addition to the existing capabilities (web, API, and mobile testing), Katalon Studio now supports Selenium-based test automation for UI on Windows 10. In other words, you can easily execute a test on a Windows desktop application with Katalon Studio 7.0.0.

Some notable features of desktop testing including smart element-locating mechanism, windows built-in and custom keywords. Moreover, this capability also makes it easy to detect and spy Windows objects. Even if you are not proficient at programming, you can still automate desktop app testing immediately. 

Private Plugin

If you’re working with the medium or large team, this new Private Plugin feature is best suitable for you. With an aim to resolve security concerns and lacking team collaboration, Katalon allows your plugins shared across the internal system. Especially, you don’t have to upload them to Katalon Store. More specifically, you can design and develop private plugins for your organization or customers and then share them directly. 

Smart Wait Function

One of the most common issues when testing web applications is lack of element interaction, as they are hidden out of view. The major cause of this issue is that the page hasn’t finished loading. Otherwise, some operations including adding, removing or modifying elements of that page haven’t finished performing yet. To fix these issues, a new function called Smart Wait has been introduced in Katalon Studio version 7.0.0. 

Basically, this function will tell the web driver to wait for the web page to become static before any operations perform. And as such, it will help to detect an unsuccessful element loaded on the website without any additional scripting. 

Read more to understand how Katalon Studio Smart Wait handles Selenium web loading issues.


Starting from version 7.0.0, you can easily export and import test artifacts across different projects by using the Katashare feature. Basically, this feature enables you to work on multiple projects and share the test artifacts with enhanced reusability. 

The test artifacts include test cases, test objects, profiles, and custom keywords.

SSL Client Certificates

Starting from version 7.0.0, Katalon supports the capability to send requests with SSL client certificates. In other words, this feature enables users with the restricted network policy to bypass certificate validation and continue working with Katalon Studio. 

Test Suite Collection Reports

With the latest version, you can easily group the existing test suites into a collection to seize your execution control better. Moreover, Katalon Studio version 7.0.0 also supports the ability to generate the test results into HTML, PDF, and JUnit formats. 

Custom Test Data Sources

Besides MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, Katalon now supports data-driven testing with additional Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). More specifically, this feature gives users the ability to configure additional database sources with the supported JDBC Driver field, and as such, helps increase the flexibility of the automation projects. 

Console Log Customization

Starting from version 7.0.0, you can decide whether the logs include executed test steps or not by enabling or disabling the logs of executed test steps. This, in turn, will help you avoid unnecessary resource consumption and retain more control in customizing console logs as well.

Migrating existing Selenium test scripts

Over the years, Selenium has been seen as one of the most popular tools for automation testing. However, Selenium’s integration limitations and advanced programming skill requirements are major development setbacks for scaling teams. The Katalon team deeply understands this struggle. Built on top of Selenium and Appium, Katalon Studio is seen as the best alternative solution to Selenium over recent years. From version 7.4.0, you are able to migrate your Selenium tests in TestNG/JUnit framework to Katalon Studio, without having to rewrite the test cases from scratch.

You can read for more detail why this feature is a breakthrough on Katalon official blog.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the new version of Katalon Studio provides many advanced features that can solve common problems of test automation in modern days. Packing with a host of enhanced features, it’s now safe to say that Katalon Studio 7 is a complete cross-platform test automation solution that tailored for teams of any size. 

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